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The Deets on the Company
MeadeCom Inc was established in 2016 to service the the production and retail sales of it's sole product The Coodle Pillow. It's owner and CEO, Bob Meade is also the inventor of the product and received the original patent on the pillow and trademark on the name in 1996. The company was incorporated in 2017.
Product Specs
The Coodle Pillow is a foam pillow with plastic braces inside. Measures approximately 12”x12”x6” and weighs 2 lbs. This product is made in the USA. Fabric covers are a cotton blend and are also made in the USA.
The Coodle Pillow was invented by Bob Meade in1996. It was created as a pillow that would solve that age-old problem of the numbness that a person experiences when someone lays on their arm while cuddling. Back in the mid 90’s, Meade’s girlfriend (now wife of 25 years) would put his arm to sleep each time the couple would cuddle. Bob made a prototype on his own and he received a utility patent on the concept and a registered trademark on the name. Bob and Shirley made the pillows themselves and sold them locally. The pillow was then adopted by a urethane company, where the name, the manufacturing process, and the targeted audience was changed. Now, more than 20 years after the conception of the Coodle Pillow, the couple are taking a shot at re-introducing the pillow to a new generation of cuddlers. The materials in making the product are all from the US and each pillow is assembled in California facilities.

Ask Bob
Q: What is your goal for the Coodle Pillow?
A: “I want every home to have a Coodle Pillow. Whether it’s used to cuddle with or as an extra support. I want it to be a household item on every couch or bed.”
Q: What makes your pillow different from all the other cuddle pillows on the market?
A: “I’m really proud to be able to say that the Coodle Pillow is made in the USA. I can’t speak for the other pillows, but we use American made materials and everything is assembled in the US. It would be easier and cheaper for us to go overseas to produce our pillow, but it’s important to us to use the materials and the labor we have right here at home.”
Q: Do you think being a woodshop teacher has helped you in this venture?
A: “I am grateful for my day job. I love what I do. I get to build things all day and share that knowledge and enthusiasm with future builders. Every high school needs shop classes. I’m a firm believer in preserving the manual arts. If I didn’t have the knowledge of materials and how to hand build, I may have never been able to develop the Coodle Pillow. To create things with our own hands from our own ideas is so essentially human. To be able to produce and sell those ideas and products is totally American. I appreciate both privileges.